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Liver Cleansing Q & A

Frequently Asked Questions for the Liver Detox Procedure

Q: Who should undertake liver cleansing for the elimination of toxins?
A: In the same way that houses need general cleaning and motor vehicles need regular maintenance, the human body’s digestive system also requires regular cleansing. Cleansing is particularly important for the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. These organs are responsible for the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids as well as the elimination of toxic matter. Our bodies possess self-cleansing functions; however, with the increasingly fast tempo of modern life, changing lifestyles and industrialized production of agricultural products, these are totally inadequate to meet the critical need of eliminating toxic matter and impurities left in our bodies every day. The accumulation of internal toxins is the principal source of many diseases common to our modern life. These ailments range from skin allergies, obesity, hypertension, excessive blood lipids, fatty liver, hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), coronary heart disease and strokes to chronic fatigue, excessive stomach acid, flatulence, oedema, prostate enlargement, arthritis, and so on.
People in reasonably good health who wish to maintain their health should cleanse their livers through detoxification every one or two years. People suffering from ill health should undertake liver detoxification and cleansing more frequently (quarterly or half-yearly until their health is restored).

Q: What problems can be solved by liver cleansing and detoxification?
A: Liver cleansing and detoxification can directly deal with problems caused by the blockage of ducts located in the liver, pancreas and the gallbladder. These blockages easily give rise to such conditions as high cholesterol levels, high blood viscosity, fatty liver, cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), gall stones, hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), allergies, eczema, rheumatism and rheumatoid problems, gout, diseases associated with inflammation, acute fatigue, etc.
Liver cleansing and detoxification can address these unhealthy conditions by eliminating toxic matter stored in the liver and kidney. The elimination of toxins in the liver and kidney is achieved by purifying the blood which in turn increases blood oxygen levels, removes oedema and fortifies our immune system. It can also improve cardiovascular diseases, liver cirrhosis, prostate enlargement, and strokes caused by high blood viscosity.

Q: Why can liver cleansing and detoxification solve so many different health problems?
A: Our liver, gallbladder and pancreas play a very important role in digestion. The liver, in particular, is the largest compact organ and the centre of our metabolism. Over 1,500 types of chemical reactions take place there. The liver produces bile for digestion, secretes blood coagulation agents and removes toxins.
Over the years, many factors contribute to the buildup of toxins in our liver, gallbladder and pancreas. These include improper eating, smoking, drinking, viruses, unhealthy lifestyle choices, lack of exercise, and attacks from metabolic wastes and atmospheric pollution. Added together they have, in one way or another, caused the accumulation of a large amount of pathogenic cholesterols, fats and toxins in our bodies.
This accumulation of toxins takes a heavy toll on our health. It reduces the normal secretion of bile and enzymes; obstructs the proper metabolism of proteins; and hinders the normal breakdown of toxic wastes from our systems. The result is an array of serious diseases including fatty liver, allergies, fatigue, memory problems, hardened arteries, diabetes, skin problems, high level of blood lipids, and conditions associated with coronary and neural blood vessels and strokes that affect the whole body.
A large portion of toxic wastes from the metabolic process is delivered through the bile ducts to the intestines. The wastes are then eliminated from the body. Liver cleansing and detoxification not only target the liver function itself, but also clean the bile ducts, the gallbladder, the pancreatic ducts and the intestines. This cleansing revitalizes the centre of the metabolic process and enhances the filtration capacity of the liver organ. The aim of purifying the blood is thereby achieved. Thus, liver cleansing and detoxification solve problems not only associated with the liver, but many other problems caused by obstructions in the detoxification and elimination processes that affect the whole body.

Q: The process of liver cleansing and detoxification always has remarkable effects. How does liver cleansing compare with intestinal cleansing and kidney cleansing?
A: The effect of the “18-hour restructuring of the body’s metabolic ability” has stunned those who have undergone this process of the liver cleansing and detoxification. These patients have been astonished at the presence of so much toxic matter in their body. Problems associated with hypertension, high blood lipids, fatty liver, coronary heart diseases, heart failure and skin problems have shown noticeable improvement overnight. This dramatic amelioration of illness is due to a clear difference between the bioenergy resonance technique used in liver cleansing and detoxification compared with intestinal and kidney cleansing, which are operated by chemical and mechanical principles.
Intestinal cleansing works by the mechanical injection of medicinal solutions or water into the anus to cleanse the intestines. This approach may solve a part of the health problem stemming from the intestines. However, it will not fundamentally remove the health problems caused by the blockage of the body metabolism. As for kidney cleansing, the blood undergoes filtration by mechanical means to remove toxic wastes. This may, for a short period, reduce the blood’s chemical index. However, it will not change the fundamental cause of the production of toxic matter in the blood. It is therefore an expedient way to try to extend life.
Liver cleansing and detoxification, on the other hand, is a biologically active, energy-based approach. It is founded on the modern medical theory of biological waves. It employs the technology of quantum resonance to revitalize the potential of the human body. The energy from the biological electromagnetic field induces self-cleansing and detoxification. This detoxification increases the capacity of the whole digestive system to repair itself. The process includes ingestion of specially prepared liver cleansing solutions (resonated mineral waters); these are prepared through the resonance from biological energy. In addition to the ingestion of this mineral water, the patient receives an external oscillating massage of the liver organ area. This oscillation assists the completion of the cleanse internally and externally through the resonance of biological energy. The individually treated liver cleansing solution and the external massaging procedure are matched with the oscillating frequency of patient’s bile and pancreas ducts and blood vessels to produce resonance. This resonance acts to shake off the metabolic wastes from the liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas duct, blood and blood vessels. It separates toxic wastes and pathogenic matter from the liver and bile ducts and ultimately excretes them through the intestines.
The objective of liver detoxification is thus achieved: the cells of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas have been purified and rejuvenated through the dredging and clearing out of their ducts, while simultaneously the functions of various internal organs have been upgraded. The detoxification process, therefore, is a foundational means for the removal of the root causes of health problems.

Q: Is it necessary to repeat the process of liver cleansing and detoxification repeatedly after the first session?
A: A one-time detoxification that has been completed satisfactorily and followed by a healthy diet and proper lifestyle, may mean that maintenance need not be done so often. It is similar to the maintenance of one’s vehicle. Through consumption of good fuel and proper usage, maintenance on one’s vehicle need not be done so frequently, and its useful life expectancy may be extended. However, constant usage of substandard fuel and overloading of the car’s capacity will surely bring about problems in a short time. Liver cleansing and detoxification will not make the human body dependent on it. However, to keep our bodies in good condition all the time, and to achieve the overall purpose of good health and longevity, doing it on an annual basis is helpful.

Q: Are there any age limits or restrictions for liver cleansing and detoxification?
A: There is no age limit as long as the person undergoing this process is physically fit. But strict fasting is required for 18 hours on the cleansing day. Hence, some preparatory treatments may be needed for those who are physically weak or suffering from serious stomach ulcers. Liver cleansing and detoxification will improve blood viscosity and speed up blood circulation in a short time. Therefore, for those who have coronary heart diseases, strokes, haemorrhage in the brain, active mental illness and those who have had an operation in the past six months, liver cleansing and detoxification should be undertaken during the stabilization period at the completion of some preliminary treatments.
Liver cleansing and detoxification can improve acidity of the body and enhance immune functions so that the chance of developing cancer is reduced. While it may offer modest relief to patients who suffer from liver cirrhosis and terminal cancers, there is no guarantee that these ailments can be completely eliminated.

Q: Is the process of liver cleansing and detoxification painful? Is it invasive? Are there any side effects?
A: There are no needles or tubes inserted into the body during the process. The only required procedures are to drink the resonated liver cleansing solutions and to receive the external oscillating massage. Hence, no pain is involved nor any side effect produced. The fewer toxic wastes in the body, the more relaxed the patient will feel during the cleansing process. But for those who have a lot of toxic matter in their bodies (such as those suffering from serious blockages in the liver and bile ducts), their internal organs have adapted to high degree of thickness in the blood. If such a patient suddenly discharges a large amount of toxins and impurities within 18 hours, (thereby changing the blood viscosity), this will reduce blood pressure as well as hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). The patient may experience feelings of fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, thirst, nausea, etc. Furthermore, toxins and undigested proteins shaken down from the walls of the ducts before they are excreted may induce nausea or, sometimes, vomiting. However, with the subsequent excretion of the toxic matter, such symptoms will disappear within a few hours, while the body is adapting to a new balanced state of health.

Q: What am I likely to feel like after liver cleansing and detoxification?
A: Due to the excretion of a large amount accumulated toxins on the day of the liver cleansing and detoxification, the majority of patients may exhibit symptoms of low blood pressure and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), such as fatigue, dizziness, thirst, etc. After eating and a day’s rest, most of the participants will feel lively and free from abdominal distension. They will become more energetic, will sleep better, and have clearer eyesight, brighter skin, less itchiness, a better appetite and a sharper sense of taste. However, people with lots of toxins may exhibit the signs of a “healing crisis” (temporary increase in uncomfortability as impurities are eliminated). This is due to accelerated blood flow, reduction of toxicity and excretion of toxins from internal organs, which patients should recover from in one or two weeks. Those who have taken a blood test before liver cleansing and detoxification should take another blood test one month later to get a more accurate reading.

Q: What I be aware of after my liver cleansing and detoxification?
A: Within one month after the liver cleansing and detoxification (which revitalizes the liver, gallbladder and pancreas), the body will continue with its self-initiated blood cleansing process. This will therefore require a greater energy supply than before. To maintain normal body functioning, and to optimize the healing effects of the liver cleansing and detoxification, post-detoxification care and rest are very important. Intelligent care includes proper intake of appropriate foods and drinks, correct lifestyle and physical exercises. For those who have a very unbalanced mix of nutrients in their body, supplements may be required for assisting the rapid restoration of health. The exact conditions vary from person to person. Our health centre will give appropriate advice and guidance based on the results of the body assessment.